
Daylights untuk iPhone

  • Gratis

  • Dalam bahasa Bahasa Indonesia
  • V 1.4
  • 4

  • Status Keamanan

Ulasan Softonic

Daylights: Kalender untuk Jam Terang dan Jam Gelap Malam

Daylights is a free iPhone application developed by Janne Kaki. It falls under the lifestyle category with a specific focus on weather. This innovative program serves as a calendar for daylight and night-dark hours across the globe.

With Daylights, users have the option to choose from three different daylight visualization styles, allowing for a personalized experience. The Classic style follows a 12-hour clock, alternating between daylight and night-dark hours, whichever is shorter. The Light style always displays daylight, overlapping when necessary. Lastly, The Magic style showcases a 24-hour clock, highlighting the "magic hours" around sunrise and sunset.

One of the standout features of Daylights is the ability to select any location on the planet. This allows users to observe the interplay of the polar night and the midnight sun at various latitudes. Additionally, the application provides insight into how light and dark hours would shift in the user's hometown if daylight saving time were to become permanent, removed altogether, or if they were to move to the next or previous time zone.

With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, Daylights is a valuable tool for those interested in tracking daylight and night-dark hours around the world.

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Daylights untuk iPhone

  • Gratis

  • Dalam bahasa Bahasa Indonesia
  • V 1.4
  • 4

  • Status Keamanan

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Apakah Anda mencoba Daylights? Jadilah yang pertama untuk meninggalkan pendapat Anda!
